To My Not So Little Boy

To my Leon,
Still, I couldn't believe how fast time flies. It seems like only yesterday, you were this fragile little human, always longing for comfort in my arms.You were so little but you were huge enough to create a massive change in our life. You have shown me things I never thought possible. You have given me strength and inspiration I never thought I could find. You made me discover skills I never thought I had. You have shown me a different kind of love. A kind of love that transcends all other forms - the love of a mother.
Now that you're three, the more you amaze me with your wit and personality. I wonder, when did you learn to speak that smart? How do you manage to run a conversation with such young age? It's like magic. One day you were stuttering and figuring out how to say words like mommy and daddy and now you can easily talk your way out to certain things (like telling me how carrots will make you sick and chicken will make you strong). I can still remember how you struggled to walk, how you feared the playgrounds and other kids. Now, you're out there, discovering the world on your own. You can even climb the ladder and do monkey bars now. How? It's like magic. 

I will forever be grateful that I am given the chance to see and watch you grow. I remember the days when all I think about is to give up work and stay at home to take care of you. Now, it has been six amazing months of being a stay-at-home mom. I admit it was really hard at first. Dealing with your tantrums, trying to make you listen to me, practicing a routine, feeding you nutritious food - it was never easy. There were days I'd cry in the corner and feel frustrated. I've had doubts about myself and my capacity to be a mom. But you've proven me wrong.
We have finally found our harmony. I finally learned your tricks, and finally understood mine. It was like, again, magic. Though there are still days that I'd like to throw you on a different planet (just kidding, half kidding, LOL), I finally began to learn how to handle you - and it's like one of the best things I have achieved in my life so far.  
Being three, you now do things way different than before. Apart from wanting to go outside and explore, you are now more expressive and communicative. Randomly, you'd tell me "mom, I love you." While we're eating, you'd hug me and say, "I love mom." Before you go to bed, you'd snuggle with me, kiss me endlessly and always demand my hug for you to sleep. In the morning, you'd call me and would cuddle me before you get out of your bed. On days we're at home, you'd want me to sit beside you while you watch TV. We'd spend the day doing random things like playing with your toys, doing the chores, dancing or whatever floats your boat. There are days where we fight and cry but always kiss and make up. You make me feel like we're on a honeymoon. 
Leon, thank you for serving as my strength and my inspiration. You don't know how much you fill my heart, our hearts with joy and contentment. I hope you will always remember that no matter what happens, even if you grow old, or have a partner of your own, mommy and daddy will always love you.

Always excited on what the future has to offer you. Never stop learning, Leon! Never stop being curious. 

Leon's Birthday Venue: Dooley's Lidcombe
Theme: Thomas The Tank, Lootbags bought from Discount Party Warehouse at Lidcombe
, xx, The Mommy Roves
