Best Feeding
Finding time to blog has been a struggle but I'm trying to squeeze in a post if my schedule permits. Like for today, I have an extra 10 minutes to write a post while waiting in work. Since I talk mostly about motherhood, I promise myself to include a post about breastfeeding. Like other moms out there, breastfeeding was a struggle for me, and I am still facing it, even if my son has turned 8 months already.
When we were in New World Hotel a month ago, Paolo and I decided to capture my intimate breastfeeding moment with Leon. It was a moment that both of us would like to capture and treasure as we grow old as parents. Fortunately, Paolo still has an eye for good pictures, and he was able to take photos artistically and tastefully.
Like other moms, initiating and sustaining breastfeeding was probably the most difficult part of motherhood. I can still remember the time when Leon was very eager to breastfeed, but my supply was so low that he lost almost 15% of his birthweight. My pump ouput was so low that I almost gave up. Good thing I have supportive, breastfeeding advocate friends who told me that "I have milk" and all I had to do is believe in my capacity to nourish my child.
Eight months had passed and I'm proud to say that I am still able to breastfeed Leon. I may not able to purely breastfeed him, for my pump output (when I'm at work) is relatively lower than his consumption, I am glad that when I'm around, he prefers to nurse. I am happy that I am able to give him the best nourishment there is, while I assure him of love and security.
I will forever be grateful that I opted to breastfeed despite the odds. Unfortunately, I have uneven breasts now (due to Leon's preference on just one breast) but I don't mind, as long as I am able to enjoy this intimate moment with him.
I hope I was able to inspire you guys with this post. I have to go now and go back to work.
Til next time :)
Much Love,
The Bargain Doll